How to Upgrade Your Winter Skincare Routine

With the winter season in full swing, you may find yourself dealing with dry, chapped skin from harsh weather conditions. When you endure environmental aggressors such as strong winds, rain, and snow, they can wreak havoc on your skin. No matter where you live, you have probably kicked on the heater once or twice before. When you use indoor heat or cooling, it tends to suck the moisture out of the air, leading to itchy skin and eyes. With that being said, it’s important to find a skincare routine to remedy these painful symptoms. If you want to upgrade your winter skincare routine, continue reading for some helpful tips to get the job done:

Try Milk Baths

If you’ve never taken a milk bath, you are truly missing out. When winter hits, many of us deal with flare-ups from skin conditions like eczema or psoriasis. If you want to say bye-bye to dry, flaky skin, and hello to soft and supple skin, try out a milk bath this winter.

You can take a dip into extravagant, skin-enriching luxury with Buck Naked’s Milk Bath products! We offer Jasmine Coconut Milk and Purple Brazilian Clay Coconut Milk packages. Our vegan coconut milk baths are rich in vitamin C, magnesium, and copper, which all help maintain skin elasticity and aid in the prevention of wrinkles.

If you want to decompress from a stressful, chilly day, milk baths offer the perfect environment for relaxation. The ingredients within milk baths are known to soothe, hydrate, and exfoliate the skin. They can reduce dry spots, improve inflammation, and ease tension. How much better can they get?

Moisturize with Lotions/Butters

Moisturizers vary depending on the texture and ingredient contents. You can select a cream, lotion, or butter to hydrate your face and body when it needs it most. The weather conditions during winter seem to strip our bodies of natural oils, which lead to cracked, dry skin. Some moisturizers are heavier than others, so it’s important to determine where on your body you will apply it. These moisturizers can restore the skin’s barrier and protect you from any further irritation. Many moisturizers on the market contain harmful ingredients that can lead to irritation and redness, such as fragrances and parabens. These can cause allergic reactions that make your already painful symptoms much worse.

Over at Buck Naked, we pride ourselves for using all-natural, vegan ingredients. If you need a moisturizer that is guaranteed to keep your skin soft and supple year-round, check out our lotions bars. These bars provide extreme moisturizing with rich shea butter and cocoa butter that soothes and nourishes skin. We offer a lavender and rosemary edition that contains essential oils for an amazing scent! Soft and light in texture, you can use our lotion anywhere on your face or body that requires some extra TLC this winter season. 

Use A Facial Oil

After you’ve applied your moisturizer, you can use facial oils to further penetrate the moisturizer into the skin. Face oils are occlusive, meaning that the seal in all the ingredients and moisture you just applied to your face in order to avoid them from evaporating quickly. If you use a facial oil in solidarity, it is not that moisturizing. However, when you layer them over products like moisturizers, they help increase effectiveness. It’s important to apply the face oil as one of the final steps to maximize benefits. Now the tough part... deciding which facial oil is best for you?

It’s important to select a facial oil that contains top tier ingredients. We’ve made the decision easy over at Buck Naked. Our Jasmine Facial Oil is brimming with omega 3, omega 6 and gamma-linolenic (GLA) fatty acids. Our ‘Sensitive Skin Formula’ offers a calming effect to dry, dehydrated and irritated skin while helping improve elasticity. This increased essential fatty acid formulation offers increased moisture, reduced fine lines and dryness thus encouraging the regeneration of skin cells, helping keep skin soft.

Our Jasmine Facial Oil also contains cork oak nugget for its renowned calming and soothing properties. This raw material has been combined with cork oak roots, leaves, and flowers, rich in polyphenols, and helps create a unique, protective complex barrier for sensitive and reactive skin. We also have Lavender, and Moroccan Rose Facial Oils for your enjoyment.

Apply Lip Balm

Before you walk out in the winter weather and destroy your lips, you should make sure that you apply a protective lip balm. A lack of moisture in your lips is typically weather-related. The dry, cold air lacks humidity and causes the skin to crack, or feel chapped. Lips balms are the key to avoiding painful rips or tears.

Keep your lips soft and kissable all year long with Buck Naked’s pucker-perfect vegan Lip Balms. Our amazing moisturizing and long-lasting lip butters contain only the best and most luxurious oils and butters, including shea and aloe. It is soft, smooth, and – as with all our products – our lip balms are vegan.


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